Optimize Purchasing, Reduce Inventory, Eliminate Stockouts

capital saving
up to 20%

up to 5%

Rational and optimal product mix decisions​

Fully automatable purchase order​

RoboBuyerTM delivers higher margins, lower inventory and zero stockouts by analyzing:

RoboBuyerTM offers two approaches:

The Minimum Stock

Analyzes past sales logs and computes the minimum quantity to be held in stock: consequently, it will order only those products absolutely necessary to fulfill expected demand.

The Fixed Purchase Budget

Logic maximizes the expected margin, given a certain purchase budget. Similar to the Minimum Stock logic, the Fixed Purchase Budget logic analyzes past sales logs to estimate the sales probability distributions of each pair product/warehouse


Variable Safety Stock based on
expected demand

The RoboBuyer TM algorithm analyzes:

Accurate Sales forecasts

The RoboBuyer TM sales forecast model analyses:


RoboBuyerTM has helped us optimize our working capital by recommending the right stock purchase combinations for future seasons.

Contact us

Phone: +1 732 379 8344
Adress: 317 George Street, 3rd Floor, New Brunswick, NJ 08901