RoboBuyerTM delivers higher margins, lower inventory and zero stockouts by analyzing:
When and in what quantity are stocks required
Customer service issues associated with products
Storage costs
Available capital
Expected sales
RoboBuyerTM offers two approaches:
The Minimum Stock
Analyzes past sales logs and computes the minimum quantity to be held in
stock: consequently, it will order only those products absolutely necessary to fulfill expected demand.
The Fixed Purchase Budget
Logic maximizes the expected margin, given a certain purchase budget. Similar to the Minimum Stock logic, the Fixed Purchase Budget logic analyzes past sales logs to estimate the sales probability distributions of each pair product/warehouse
Variable Safety Stock based on expected demand
The RoboBuyer TM algorithm analyzes:
Average sales and the lead-time between an order placement and the actual arrival at the warehouse
The maximum quantity sold in a specific time range, for every item and at every warehouse. The lead-time is derived from historical orders with a weighted average, managing any arising possible conflicts.
The algorithm then creates thousands of goods/ warehouse combinations to estimate the right safety stock volume. You don’t ever have to keep a fixed safety stock
Accurate Sales forecasts engine
The RoboBuyer TM sales forecast model analyses:
The average sales and the lead-time between order and arrival of goods in stock. In addition, the algorithm identifies each product’s sales probability distribution and adapts the purchase order to different sales level
The average sales and the lead-time between order and arrival of goods in stock. In addition, the algorithm identifies each product’s sales probability distribution and adapts the purchase order to different sales level
RoboBuyerTM allows users to modify the sales level, service level, safety stock and other parameters to plan for future events affecting sales, including campaigns and promotions.
RoboBuyerTM has helped us optimize our working capital by recommending the right stock purchase combinations for future seasons.